Who Passed that GAS?

Who Passed that GAS?
YOU Passed GAS When HiLIARy Passed!

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

VIDEO Blamed For Banghazi! "The Innocence of Muslims"

Hillary Clinton tried to BLAME the Benghazi attacks on an OBSCURE YOUTUBE VIDEO. ************************************************************************************************ Of course, this video got a lot of HITS due to the publicity. ************************************************************************************************ Then the director got CAPTURED and JAILED as if he was in Red China BUT he was not SHOT, just JAILED, for violating his probation, 'Twas said. ************************************************************************************************ AND the entire CAST of the short MOVIE had to worry about GETTING VIOLENTLY MURDERED for trying to make a few dollars in a movie they had NO IDEA was offensive or would be SEEN at all by anybody...for that matter. ************************************************************************************************ So Ambassador Stevens and three other brave men are dead because the Secretary of State,HRC, would NOT disobey her boss, Obama and he would rather see them DIE than offend any overseas DONORS or "rock the re-election BOAT". ************************************************************************************************ BTW, the short movie has probably been taken down by Youtube, but MAY have been re-posted.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

FOUR DIED, HiLIARy, What Difference Does It Make?

On the evening of September 11, 2012, the 2012 Benghazi Massacre took place because the victims begged for assistance for days then for eight hours on massacre day when Islamic terrorists attacked the American diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, murdering and ravishing U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens. Other victims included U.S. Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith. U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens was the first U.S. Ambassador killed in the line of duty since 1979. The attack has also been referred to as the Battle of Benghazi as well as the Massacre at Benghazi. ****************************************************************************************************************** Several hours later, a second assault targeted a different compound about one mile away, killing CIA contractors Tyrone S. Woods and Glen Doherty. Ten others were also injured in the vicious attacks. ****************************************************************************************************************** Some anonymous Libyans condemned the attacks and praised the late ambassador but they are unknown because they feared retrubution from other Moslims due to Stevens being a known gay. These several staged public demonstrations condemning the militias who hadformed during the 2011 civil war to oppose leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi who had also been ravished and killed which seems to be a pattern of ravishing perceived enemies to death. ****************************************************************************************************************** The United States immediately increased security worldwide by at least one or two persons at diplomatic and military facilities and began investigating the Benghazi attack perhaps from a distance for safety. a newsman found Stevens' DIARY, published it allegedly and eventually forwarded it to Stevens family. This caused millions to see the Benghazi investigation as half-hearted or perhaps done "from a safe distance" since the news journalist easily entered the ruins and found confidential papers as evidenced by Stevens DIARY. In the aftermath of the attack, State Department officials were criticized for turning down and ignoring requests for additional security at the consulate prior to the attack including much begging and grovelling DURING the attack for 8 hours. Hillary Rodham Clinton, as Secretary of State COULD have done something but allegedly was told to "stand down" and many possible reinforcements were allegedly told to STAND DOWN allegedly so that the US would not offend anyone in an election year that might donate million$. H. Rodham Clinton after blaming a Youtube VIDEO and others in the regime blaming the video eventually took responsibility for the security lapses much later. ****************************************************************************************************************** Criminal charges were filed on August 6, 2013, against several individuals, including militia leader Ahmed Abu Khattala, for alleged involvement in the attacks. Khattala has been described by Libyan and U.S. officials as the Benghazi leader of Ansar al-Sharia, which was listed in January 2014 by the U.S. Department of State as a terror organization. On saturday and Sunday of June 14, 2014, U.S. Army special operations forces, in coordination with the FBI, captured Khattala in Libya. ****************************************************************************************************************** Initially, top U.S. officials and the media LIED and reported that the Benghazi attack was a spontaneous protest triggered by an anti-Muslim video, Innocence of Muslims.[23] Subsequent investigations determined that there was no such protest and that the attacks were premeditated.[24] Captured suspect Ahmed Abu Khattala said that the assault was indeed in retaliation for the video Innocence of Muslims which was a LIE. The film-maker was JAILED and the cast threatened by Moslims but allegedly nobody got hurt. ****************************************************************************************************************** Charles Krauthammer, Johnny Carson, Michael Oren, William F. Buckley,Hillary Rodham Clinton, Bill Clinton,economist Harry Binswanger,Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein, Charlie Daniels,Ambassador Chris Stevens,Sean Smith, Sean Connery, Sean Smith,Tyrone Woods,Glen Doherty,Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Trey Gowdy,IRS Commissioner John (Unfired) Koskinen, Lois Lerner,Steve Stockman, Tom Coburn,Christian Lander, Myles Valentin, Vanessa Van Jones, J.J. Green, ICE spokesperson Gillian Christensen, Pavlov and Skinner,President Reagan ,Gabriel Syme ,Lucian Gregory,Gnome Chesterton,Rosamond,Martin Gardner,Orson Welles,Jerome Hellman,Arthur P. Jacobs, Leslie Bricusse,Peter Buckman ,Glyn Dearman,Michael Hadley, Natasha Pyne ,Edward de Souza ,Marquis de St. Eustache,Geoffrey Palmer,Arnold Palmer,Neil Gaiman,Margery Forester,Cawthorn, James; Michael, Moorcock,John Grant ,Sonja West, C.S. Lewis,Capt. Francesco Schettino,Mohammad Shafia, Tooba Yahya,Zainab, Sahar,Geeti,Rona Amir ,Mohammad,Hamed,Joe Mayerthorpe, Sawyer Clarke Robison,Michael Robinson,Mark Kane,Taranis Johnson,Bob Fraser,George Fraser,Philip Dunne, Nigel Whitehead, Group Managing Director of BAE Systems,Ann Romney,Cindy McCain,Tipper Gore,Teresa Heinz Kerry,Cassie Murdoch ,conservative columnist William Safire,Jonathan Chait , Walter White, Todd Lodwick , Sen. Mitch McConnell,John Boehner, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid ,Rick Santelli’Donald “D” Taylor, Rick Santelli,Zell Miller,radio talk-show host Rush Limbaugh ,Mary Rakovich ,Benjamin Franklin,Kate Gosselin,Uma Thurman,Lyda Loudon,Pamela Anderson,Jennifer Aniston,After-hours trading,Wonder Woman, Meghan McCain,Melissa Gorga,Chrissy Teigen,Kelly Ripa,Niall Horan,Jodie Foster,Natasha…,Melanie…,Kyra Sedgwick,Catherine Zeta-Jones,Thorette,Thor,Kate Upton,Tara Reid,Vernon Walter,Kyra Sedgwick, Star Trek,Retirement,Gisele Bundchen ,Niall Horan ,Vanessa Lachey ,Jessica Alba ,Megan Fox ,Melissa Gorga ,Heidi Klum ,Heidi Klum ,Obie Juan Kanobe.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Not Really Well-Thought Out Coverup

On the "funny" side of the news, WHY IS Hillary Clinton a self-proclaimed hoarder, admitting that she deleted 30,000 private emails? Did she REALLY see no reason to keep said emails or were CERTAIN emails "too HOT" for "handling"? &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Former Judge Napoliani stated that Hillary Clinton CLEARLY broke the law. And THAT is very obvious even to non-legal minds. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& The former US government Freedom of Information (FOIA) director Metcalfe who ran the agency from 1981 to 2007 states that Hillary Rodthem Clinton was so obviously trying to avoid inspection and scrutiny (via circumvetion) that she will be GLOATING AS USUAL about breaking the law and getting off "Free as an Albatross Bird" for breaking the Freedom of Information Act (think of all those black-out redaction pens saved) as well as the Federal Records Act. The penalty HRC will AVOID is up to three years in prison PER MESSAGE which would take her out of 2016 and remove her as a threat for quite a while just for breaking her word. Imagine Hillary going to the Big House for LYING. Sounds like a safe $100 million bet that it will never happen. And Democrats called Ronald Reagan a "TEFLON" politician? Tsk Tsk. Hillary also fibbed about her server being in Chappaqua since it was traced to a government building in Manhattan in the heart of NYC. Frustrated by FOIA requests to get HRC emails, the Associated Press (APey) has sued the State Department avoiding a lawsuit against Hillary, which would go nowhere like her being found culpable and jailed. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Further questions regarding HRC's claim that state dept employees used the SMART email system that DID NOT SAVE their emails automatically for the federal records. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& A Senator has sued state dept employees who can claim that they did not know their emails were NOT being saved. The Former presidents Act has subsidized Clinton "fun and games" only $16,000,000 worth which will be a record until Obama taps the unlimited funding after 2016.His Island in Hawaii reportedly sports the setting of the old Tom Sellick show Magnum P.I. It was RUN-DOWN on 3 acres of prime island land but will be "re-modelled" at taxpayers expense allegedly witrh the ususal Secret Service shack renting for the monthly mortgage which will free up ALL of Obama's cash ALA Bill and Hillary's mansion in Chappaqua, New York which also got a sweetheart mortgage to be paid for with the Secret Service shack rental taxpayer money.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Benghazi Unnecessary Tragedy

After a several-hours-long riot, four Americans were killed at Benghazi. Glen Doherty, Tyrone Woods, two ex-Navy SEALS and computer expert,Sean Smith assisting U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens were all brutally murdered, while waiting for help that never came. On Friday, 21,October,2012, the U.S. State Department mouthpiece released internal documents revealing that U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens in Libya, politely and intently begged Obama’s people in D.C. to increase security in Benghazi. As everyone is now well aware know he got nothing from the State Department but was allowed to be tortured, etceteraed, and murdered by rebels of the “Religion of Peace” in Libya. On September 11,2012, the very day Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans were killed—the ambassador signed a three-page cable, labeled “sensitive,” noting “growing problems with security” in Benghazi and “growing frustration” by local residents with Libyan police and security forces. These Libyan police and security forces were “too weak to keep the country secure.” About a month earlier, Stevens had signed a two-page cable, also labeled “sensitive,” that he entitled “The Guns of August: Security in Eastern Libya.” Writing on August 8, 2012, the ambassador noted that in a mere space of afew months, “Benghazi has moved from trepidation to euphoria and back as a series of violent incidents has dominated the political landscape … The individual incidents have been organized,” he added, a function of “the security vacuum that a diverse group of independent actors are exploiting for their own purposes.” Stevens cabled a report that, “Islamist extremists are able to attack the Red Cross with relative impunity.” “What we have seen are not random crimes of opportunity, but rather targeted and discriminate attacks.” The final comment of the two-page document was: “Attackers are unlikely to be deterred until authorities are at least as capable.” Then by September 4, Stevens’s aides who had their sources, were reporting back to Washington on the “strong revolutionary and Islamist sentiment” in the city of Benghazi. Over two months prior to this just Stevens had notified about everybody humanly possible including the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Justice and other agencies about a “recent increase in violent incidents,” including “attacks against western [sic] interests.” “Until the GOL [Government of Libya] is able to effectively deal with these key issues,” Stevens wrote on June 25, 2012 “the violence is likely to continue and worsen.” Did the only response consist of sending TWO SEALS to disarm the rebels knowing full well that this "action" might only ANGER the rebels RIGHT BEFORE 9/11/2012? Why were only TWO DS agents on the protective detail? What were they doing in the area? Glen Doherty, one of the former SEALs who was killed alongside Ambassador Chris Stevens, When interviewed by ABC News, Doherty said that he was looking for weapons in Libya. It could be inferred from the interview that the former SEALS were somehow buying up or picking up weapons supplied by the United States to Libyan anti-Gadaffi forces during the uprising in 2012. What sort of weapons were there? The first part of the year, February 20, 2012, Eric A. Nordstrom, the regional security officer had noted the easy access of neighborhood militias of “military grade weapons, such as RPGs and vehicle mounted, crew-served machine guns or AA (Anti-Aircraft) weapons (23mm),” as well as “AK-47s, heavy weapons, and vehicle mounted weapons.” (1) At least, the two former Navy SEALS had SOME sort of weaponry as they had arrived by military transport since no commercial carrier is crazy enough to go to Lybia. For many days the Obama Administration presented and backed a phony spin/story/farce blaming the murder of four Americans, including our Libyan Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, on a spontaneous protest over an unknown movie, which got millions of hits on Youtube, causing backlash where there was none. The movie producer, a big fan of Islam, was raided by SWAT, arrested, and hauled off to jail. How despicable was CNN in its dealings with the distraut and mourning family of Chris Stevens? Very...since a full three days after the attack, CNN senior international correspondent Arwa Damon found Stevens’ journal at the site of the Benghazi consulate "on the floor of the largely unsecured consulate compound where [Stevens] was fatally wounded." according to State Dept. spokesman Philippe Reines who found out about the journal not long after a “return of remains” ceremony for Ambassador Stevens and the other victims at Andrews Air Force Base on Friday, Sept. 14. Philippe Reines took a call from State’s protocol office alerting him that someone from CNN had called the Stevens family with the news that they’d recovered the ambassador’s journal. To CNN’s request to report on its contents, the family member response was,"No" as the family wanted to discuss the matter. An Italian diplomat was the third party who returned the diary to the family as later revealed by the Wall Street Journal.(4) Although the family of the deceased notified the State Dept that CNN had the DIARY not a word has come out as to what was in it or if they EVER received it from CNN other than a transcript of the diary. The State Department was so upset about the partial defection of their representatives at CNN that they released their statement to Huffington Post and motivated leftist reporter Michael Calderone, just to make an absolute certainty that it got proper exposure and treatment from their political lackeys.(3) Did Obama send a HOMOSEXUAL ambassador to Libya? How many MORE do they have in the 57 Muslim countries around the world? Did President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton exercise their brilliance to send a "gay" ambassador to Muslim-majority Libya, where homosexual behavior is a crime punishable by imprisonment? It was apparently common knowledge. Were they testing their gay theory? Obama & Hillary have blood on their hands no matter the reason. If they didn't know to protect our foreign properties without the warning they received they are too incompetitent to run our country in the humble opinion of many. Since that time Hillary Clinton has recovered from a "concussion" possibly inspired by Clint Eastwood's "concussion victim" in the movie,"Space Cowboys.", made a circus out of the hearings, and Swift-Boated John Kerry has been approved as low enough to replace Hapless Hillary. Will the State Department ever secure the ruins at the Benghazi Consolate? Is it TRUE that,"The Benghazi consulate where Ambassador Christopher Stevens was murdered had no Marines surrounding it, no bulletproof glass and no reinforced doors. Libyan security officials were partly in charge of securing the building."? PATHETIC!!!! AND... Seen as among the worst trends in U.S. foreign-policy making in recent decades is the decline of the U.S. State Department and the corresponding rise of the Defense Department. State is SUPPOSED TO BE responsible for American diplomacy doing the difficult work of negotiating, doing protocol, and maintaining relations with foreign countries; As the Defense Department was formerly the Department of War, (a frank and earnest designation) it handles war-making and protecting national security. There are very few things that reflect America’s hinky and skewed foreign-policy priorities more than the funding discrepancies between the two departments. Herewith and heretofore consider the data: In 1950, State had 7,710 diplomats abroad. In 2001, with over 200 countries, State actually had fewer merely 7,158. During that time the U.S. population approximately doubled to its 315,000,000 present size.. As of 2010, the Pentagon admitted to having 190,000 troops and 909 military facilities in 46 countries and territories. As of the fall of 2011, the U.S. had 1,300 civilian workers and 100,000 military personnel in Afghanistan. The State Department’s funding request for 2013 was $51.6 billion, $300 million less than 2012, because, it said, “this is a time of fiscal retraint.” The Pentagon’s 2012 budget? $614 billion. With a couple more wars, Obama will promise to increase defense spending dramatically. (2) - What was the consulate like? - Was there any warning? Crowds raised hell for several hours, before the bloodletting. SEAL sent message for help. said he saw a drone, but it was apparently unarmed drone. Help was two hours away, yet no one was sent. - If the attack was really about the film – why didn’t the administration issue a warning based on that? Hillary Clinton and Obama did not base a warning on outrage from the film because they had not DREAMED UP that as an EXCUSE for not doing anything about 9/11 anniversary outbreaks of violence. The administration needed a scapegoat ONCE ALL HELL BROKE LOOSE! _How did the Main Stream Lapdog Media seek to present Stevens? - Was the embassy put on high alert? Or is the report that nothing was done accurate? - Who was on the - Why did the “spontaneous crowds” have RPG’s and laser accurate mortar fire? - Why was the most important person there, the ambassador, left for dead while many other made it out? - Why didn’t the white house warn about the movie? Two of the MOST SHADOWY people of US history are directly in the LIGHT OF TRUTH for their failure to provide adequate security in Benghazi, and more comprehensively responsible, for turning over vast swaths of the Middle East to Islamists during the misnamed Arab Spring. Thus as a distraction, State will bring laser-like focus on CNN’s supposed malfeasance. This is far better than facing up to the fact that the State Department didn’t just fail Ambassador Stevens, it failed the United States of America, as usual. "Perhaps the real question here is why is the State Department now attacking the messenger," read the CNN statement.(4) (1)http://www.foxnews.com/on-air/special-report-bret-baier/blog/2012/10/19/benghazi-documents-show-stevens-worried-about-security-threats-al-qaeda (2)http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/erik-wemple/post/cnn-vs-the-state-department-a-long-story/2012/09/23/36f4d9dc-051c-11e2-8102-ebee9c66e190_blog.html (3)http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Peace/2012/09/22/State-Department-blasts-CNN-on-diary (4)http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/09/22/cnn-christopher-stevens-journal-state-dept-response_n_1906609.html Cheapest Obamacare Plan: $20,000 per Family by 2016 SEE, WE TOLD YOU LIBERALISM WAS AND IS A MENTAL DISORDER!!! !THEY CRAZY AS HECK! http://www.newsmax.com/newswidget/irs-obamacare-cost-family/2013/02/01/id/488519?promo_code=11550-1&utm_source=11550Breitbart&utm_medium=nmwidget&utm_campaign=widgetphase1 The Backstory, Libya, Video, Libya Attacks, Christopher Stevens Killed, Cnn Journal, Cnn Chrisopher Stevens Journal, Cnn Ambassador Christopher Stevens Journal, Anderson Cooper, Cnn Stevens Journal, Christopher Stevens, State Department, Christopher Stevens Libya, Media News, Video, State Department, J. Christopher Stevens, Christopher Stevens Killed, Christopher Stevens Libya, Cnn Ambassador Christopher Stevens Journal, Cnn Chrisopher Stevens Journal, Cnn Journal, Cnn Stevens Journal, Libya Attacks, Calderone: Media News, Cadrone